Interested in how you can get the Tidewave mattress?
Check out our distributors and reach out to get it today.
The only mattress you'll never hear, feel or see moving
- even though it always is
Discover how it works
Order your Tidewave™ Mattress
”Tidewave was the only accepted turning
Nurse at nursing home
from one of our patients
Because our loved ones deserve the Tidewave Hug
95 percent of all pressure ulcers could have been prevented. Still, we keep saying that today’s equipment is ‘good enough’. It’s not.
The Tidewave™ Mattress is the only mattress that both keeps the body moving continuously, as well as:
- Giving the patient the comfort of a hug due to its curved shape – eliminating the risk of friction from sliding.
- Not waking the patient. You won’t feel it move, and leaves blowing in the wind will make more noise.

As mentioned on

For quality of life and independence.