Undisturbed sleep
Bryneheimen Nursing Home in Time (Norway) has tested the Tidewave mattress with two of their residents for one year now. They have been relieved from at least 2200 heavy lifts, and most important: got visible positive health benefits for the patients:
Department Manager Renate is happy to see the influence for her patient: “He has expressed huge enthusiasm about the mattress. I am not surprised, as he was previously used to get manual repositioning help from us three times during the night – and being awaked every time. Now he gets coherent and undisturbed sleep every night”.

Preventing pressure ulcers
An important input is that the patient has not experienced any pressure ulcers (bedsores) while using the product. However, he got redness on risk areas on the body very rapidly after it was uninstalled. We were supposed to test it on a new patient but realized that we had to bring it back to him. This could have been the start of a first stage pressure ulcer but the redness disappeared quickly after getting the turning mattress on place again – Wound Nurse Ann Elin comments.
Pressure ulcers can appear within hours, which is why Bryneheimen has a thorough systematic check on the patients’ skin – she adds.
“..the patient has not experienced any pressure ulcers while using the product”
Better family relations
Department Manager Sølvi has seen clear value for her patient as well:
– She used to be very confused when we had to reposition her at night. Even though we are two people to perform the turning, it is difficult to perform. This was at least three times a night. With the Tidewave mattress, both she and the personnel are finally relieved from these procedures”. In addition to having no pressure ulcers, they notice that the gentle sleep has contributed to daytime benefits as well.
“The relatives have noticed it clearly too, that she is more relaxed and awake when they come to visit.”
Best practise
All three agree that Tidewave is best practise for patients in risk for pressure ulcers. Out of Bryneheimen’s 52 residents, 40% are in need for regular pressure relief and get manual reposition from every 1-3 hours depending on risk degree.
– This is quite resource heavy, but this preventative procedure is crucial to prioritize. Alternatively the patient can get a pressure sore which will need 1-2 hours wound care every week, often performed by two healthcare personnel – not to mention, need for manual turning might double or triple. A pressure ulcer can take several months or several years to heal, and sometimes include surgery. It is important for us to avoid this severe consequence of lacking pressure relief, Ann Elin points out.
“40% are in need for regular pressure relief and get manual reposition.”
A clear message
The message is clear from the two Department managers after testing the turning mattress:
“No doubt, we are convinced that Tidewave will relieve us from time, costs and unnecessary pain. We are just waiting for the product to be ready for sales!”
Sølvi and RenateDepartment managers, Bryneheimen